CKD has become increasingly common worldwide: five to ten percent of all adults suffer from some form of kidney disease that can lead to kidney failure.

It is vital to prevent kidney disease and damage wherever possible. If you already have some form of kidney problem the following advice is very important, but it also applies if you have healthy kidneys and want them to stay that way:

  1. Stop smoking, or do not start
  2. Exercise regularly and maintain a healthy weight
  3. Avoid eating too much salt
  4. Be aware that some pharmaceuticals (drugs given to you by doctors) may damage the kidneys
  5. Ensure that your kidney function is checked regularly if you have diabetes or high blood pressure
  6. Do not drink too much alcohol
  7. Do not abuse any drugs
  8. Check your blood pressure and sugar levels regularly, especially if they have ever been raised

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Kidney failure
Two of the most common factors for kidney failure are diabetes and high blood pressure
Stages of CKD
Chronic Kidney Disease, CKD, occurs when you suffer from loss of kidney function over time
Living with CKD
Loss of renal function and the dependence on dialysis, lead to life changes